A Study on Low-dose Radiation Therapy

Cartoon diagram of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) (rainbow colored, N-terminus = blue, C-terminus = red) complexed its ligand epidermal growth factor (magenta) based on the PDB: 1NQL​ crystallographic coordinates.

Many people with brain tumors will have an operation to remove as much tumor as possible.  The goal is to remove what can be safely removed. The next steps may be chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.  In order to explore how radiation may assist in targeting and killing brain tumor cells,…

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Keto Diets – Can They Help Diminish Cancer?

Is a Keto diet good or bad for your brain tumor?

You may have heard a lot of information about the Keto Diet.  A Keto (or ketogenic) Diet is essentially a method of monitoring what you eat based upon eating high-fat, proper protein, and low-carbohydrate foods.  (Read more details on Wikipedia’s Ketogenic Diet.)  It was originally created to treat patients with…

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Laughing During Brain Surgery? It’s Possible!

Research on Brain Stimulation

The thought of patients laughing and joking during their brain surgery operations might seem odd.  But it actually helps neurosurgeons to ensure the goals of surgery are attained.  One method that is being researched is using an electrical stimulation to “evoke positive affect and anxiolysis without sedation.”  This research has…

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