
You: Life Changes Due to Illness

Friends Help Friends

We found a recently posted article in the New York Times entitled “Five Things I Wish I’d Known Before My Chronic Illness.” It reveals learnings that the writer found when being diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease.  While that is not quite the same as having a brain tumor, the author shares…

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Cell Zapping – Can it Help Brain Tumors Diminish?

Cancer Cells

Many brain tumors, particularly the aggressive and malignant Glioblastoma, are treated with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy medication.  Complete surgical removal of glioblastoma is almost impossible because tumor cells invade the surrounding brain.  Chemotherapy and radiation can have limitations as well in terms of tumor resistance. Hence while the tumor might…

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Brain Tumors and Solid Stress

How does solid stress from brain tumors damage healthy tissue?

Solid stress on the brain due to tumors was recently studied.  Solid stress refers to the physical pressure and strength utilized by the tumor.  The Massachusetts General Hospital-led research revealed that some brain tumors can increase solid stress, especially with larger, solid tissue tumors through their research titled, “How does…

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